is an independent publishing platform based in Amsterdam.

is a space where books and their artists can grow and flourish.

aims to offer fertile ground for photo books, promoting a wide range of unique and talented artists from around the globe.

highlights fresh cuts as well as mature crops.

is run by Dora Lionstone and Aurélie Sorriaux.


For questions, comments or collaborations please email us: contact@sproutpublish.com


We are open for submissions. If you would like to be featured on our website / social media, please check our guidelines on how to submit.

Dora Lionstone is a visual artist and photographer based in Amsterdam. Influenced by her background in software engineering, she sees the image as a system that can be cracked, taken apart, and reassembled differently. This continuous (re-)construction of reality is explored by her use of collages and other image transformations. By using multiple methods and points of view, she aims to extend the boundaries of the rigid binary world, merging fact and fiction, science and imagination.

doralionstone.com  |  @doralionstoned

Aurélie Sorriaux is a visual artist from France. She is interested in the subject of time and the traces that it leaves behind. She investigates how time expresses itself in geology as well as in human’s lives and ancestry. Since 2021, Aurélie Sorriaux has been working with printmaking, correlating the technique to the creation of rocks as well as the inscribed memories in humans.